When I first arrived in Japan in 1950, it was not a very clean country.
There was a lot of rubbish in the streets and people littered freely on
the trains and buses. In the hospitals nursing care was limited, so in-patients
were fed and washed by a relative or hired help, who slept on a futon on
the floor next to the bed. Hygiene was not always up to par, especially
at private clinics. I recall with revulsion the conditions at our local
GP's consulting room in Nishinomiya near Osaka, where the floor was littered
with the soiled bandages of numerous patients.
Half a century later Japan is exemplary for its spotless public spaces.
The trains, town halls, schools and museums, not to mention the great department
stores and shopping arcades - are all free from litter. Even the streets
are clean and well-swept, with hardly a tossed beer can or dog's turd in
sight. And this despite the scarcity of waste disposal facilities, most
of which were removed after the Aum sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subways
in the mid-1990s, when rubbish bins were used to conceal their nefarious
Today's hospitals are especially praiseworthy for their high sanitary standards
and efficient administration. Medical attention for both in- and outpatients
is readily available - not counting the usual patience needed to await
your turn - and judging by my recent, extensive experience in Tokyo, the
quality of nursing care is equally commendable. Japan's healthcare system
represents an enviable accomplishment of both professional organization
and social discipline, evidently achieved during the post-war, democratic
era - rather than being an aspect of traditional Japanese society.
Let the patient share the costs
Public hospitals and health clinics in the UK generally compare unfavourably
with their Japanese counterparts. Under the National Health Service, surgery
for serious medical problems can entail a wait of many months if the condition
is considered not immediately life-threatening. An appointment with a specialist
may take weeks to arrange. Those who can afford it visit a private consultant
at a fee of seldom less than £100 (¥25,000) and frequently much
more for a consultation, plus the related costs of lab tests and medicines.
As for hygiene, that is generally acceptable, though I have seen some pretty
filthy conditions in the back areas of a couple of major London hospitals
that would be unthinkable in Japan today.
Why these differences between comparably wealthy countries? For one thing,
the UK and other West-European countries, with their diverse populations
from many ethnic and cultural backgrounds, cannot emulate Japan's relative
uniformity of performance. Another aspect is the work ethic of public healthcare
workers, which is clearly stronger in Japan than in most areas of Europe.
But there are also financial reasons.
The British National Health Service (NHS) is funded from general taxation
and essentially free to the user at the point of delivery regardless of
income status, except for a small flat charge for prescription medicines.
The Japanese National Health Insurance (NHI) is funded by insurance premiums
paid by every citizen based on income. In addition, the user of NHI services
pays 10%, 20% or 30% of the cost of each service performed, depending on
income status. In spite of this co-payment, use of the system is heavy,
with 16 average annual per capita doctor consultations (compared to an
average of 6.6 for the 30 OECD member countries), and an average hospital
stay of 31.5 days, by far the highest among OECD members, whose average
is 8.2 days. This latter phenomenon is referred to as 'social hospitalization',
a serious problem. So far the government has been able to fund the NHI
budget, but an overhaul of the system may well become necessary.
I believe the principle of requiring the user to pay part of the cost of
medical services is a sound one, better than the UK system, where everyone
gets free healthcare, regardless of income, and the medical resources are
seriously overburdened as a result.
Avoid privatization in the public sphere
In the case of public transport - the subject of last month's Shifting
Society essay - Japan has proved that privatization does not need to cause
a decline in the quality of the service delivered, as has been seen in
a number of privatization cases in the U.K. Yet the spectre of profit considerations
dominating decision-making in any privatized industry must not be lost
sight of in considering alternatives to the present organization of the
NHI. One shudders at the thought that Japan's NHI might one day be sold
to private (foreign?) operators whose primary concern is not public health
but 'shareholder value'.
Just how harmful such extreme market-driven policy can be was illustrated
recently by a report on the overbooking strategy of USAir, a major regional
American airline. The Washington Post wrote that the airline deliberately
overbooks every flight, to ensure that every last seat is occupied. This
means routinely bumping passengers with confirmed and paid-for reservations
off the flight, on the excuse that they were 'late' for check-in. Passengers
who make a big scene are escorted away by police. In one instance a screaming
woman was strapped to a bench to restrain her. She was later found dead,
choked by a chain stretched across her throat. USAir personnel loathe the
overbooking policy, as they have to deal with the disgruntled passengers.
The policy is clearly aimed at maximizing profit and thus 'shareholder
value'. Of the airline's $11.56 billion in 2006 revenue, $1 billion was
credited to determined overbooking.
Of course this is a particularly horrifying case, unimaginable in Japan.
My point is that unrestrained market forces tend to favour the shareholder
over the customer. Whatever the political or economic system, tight supervision
over essential public services will always remain necessary.